First Nations Child and Family Services, under the auspice of Kinosao Sipi Minisowin Agency, is charged with the responsibility to provide mandated and non-mandated child and family services to the membership of the Norway House Cree Nation and other Aboriginal families from provinces west of Manitoba who are residing in Winnipeg.
Family Enhancement Program
The Family Enhancement Program advances the Minisowin goals of helping Norway House Cree Nation families strengthen their parenting and family skills and thus preventing children from coming into agency care.
Foster Care
Our agency recruits a diverse group of foster families and we strive to train our families to be culturally sensitive and interactive. The agency hosts events throughout the year that are geared toward building family relationship between the children, biological families and foster families.
Alternative Care
We provide long and short term placements for children in care. The agency provides the opportunity for families and foster families to identify potential support workers from their personal network who have already development a trusting relationship with those they service.
Permanent Ward (Permanency Planning)
Child welfare professionals first focus on supporting and stabilizing a family to prevent a child from coming into the care. Reunification with a family is the preferred outcome for children who are removed from their homes.
Services to Families
Parents can have services provided to them such as counselling, respite, support, etc. to prevent children from coming into the care of the agency.
Parenting Workshops
Helping parents and caregivers begin a process of recovery from the harmful intergenerational effects of colonization and residential schools.
Intake and Investigation Services
The Protection Team deals directly with on-call crisis, apprehensions and working with families that are deemed high risk.
Family and Individual Counselling
Referrals for counselling are provided by KSMA workers in Family Service Unit and Family Enhancement.
Land-based Therapies
Land-based activities and culturally appropriate services to provide some help and support to the community.
Emergency Support
In times of crisis the agency provides families with support in different capacities.
Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.
At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents
13th Annual Caring Society Gala – October 25, 2023
13th Annual Caring Society Gala - October 25, 2023 Gala Poster Artist Callout Donation Letter Sponsorship Package Save the Date [...]